Life isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon, and you won’t win every time. You made it your absolute mission to understand yourself better this year. From realising why you struggled to regulate your emotions, to noticing the importance of self-love; you can proudly say you’ve found inner peace.
People-pleasing and over-working were two traits you felt made you worthy. Now, you understand that worth isn’t measured by how helpful or useful you are, it’s the level of importance you place on yourself.
Focusing on your health and well-being doesn’t have to translate to starting a new diet or workout plan, though. You can set your sights on taking charge of your mental health, finally optimizing a better sleep routine or diving headfirst into reclaiming your space
1. Fitness routine for this year
If you’re looking for a way to get fit, there is no shortage of opinions about clever regimens to try.
If you love to bike, run, swim, dance, golf, climb mountains or play pickleball, then build a fitness plan to support that hobby.
2. Plan to strengthen social relationships
Think getting together with family and friends is nice, but not necessary? As Harvard Medical School’s Women’s Health Watch reports, “dozens of studies have shown that people who have satisfying relationships with family, friends, and their community are happier, have fewer health problems, and live longer.” And they live better.
3. Resolve to make quality sleep a priority
It’s hard to feel your best when you’re exhausted. Plenty of scientific research proves how fundamental sleep is to our overall health. Not only does getting enough quality sleep help you keep extra weight off, but it can reduce some risk factors for heart attacks, strokes, and chronic diseases such as diabetes. It also helps you think more clearly.
4. Place a priority on maintaining your health
We’re all busy, and it’s easy to put off that medical check-up, vision exam, or health screening. But why not pause to schedule visits to your health professional – and encourage your loved ones and friends to do the same? After all, good health is the foundation of everything we want to do in life.