Anurag Chandra, an Indian-origin man residing in Riverside County, California, has been found guilty of killing three teenage boys who rang his doorbell as part of a prank. Chandra was convicted of three counts of attempted murder and three counts of first-degree murder on Friday, according to local media reports.
The incident occurred on January 19, 2020, when a group of teenage boys dared each other to ring Chandra’s doorbell. Chandra, who was home at the time, became agitated by the prank and got into his car. He then drove after the boys, who were in a nearby car, and rammed into them at high speed, causing a fatal crash.
The victims were identified as Daniel Hawkins, 16, Drake Ruiz, 16, and Jacob Ivascu, 17. All three boys were students at Centennial High School in Corona, California.
During the trial, Chandra’s defense team argued that he had acted in self-defense and that the boys had provoked him. However, the prosecution contended that Chandra’s actions were premeditated and that he had intentionally targeted the boys.
After the verdict was announced, the families of the victims expressed relief and gratitude for the outcome of the trial. “Justice has been served,” said Cindy Ruiz, Drake Ruiz’s mother. “I just hope that this brings some closure to us and to the other families involved.”
Chandra is set to be sentenced on June 25 and could face life in prison without the possibility of parole.