Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the first Vande Bharat Express train connecting Dehradun and Delhi through video conferencing. In his address, PM Modi expressed that the world is eagerly observing India, desiring to visit and comprehend its essence. He emphasized the tremendous opportunities that exist for states like Uttarakhand in this context. The Vande Bharat train will facilitate Uttarakhand in leveraging these opportunities.
PM Modi praised the Vande Bharat train for its ability to enhance connectivity between the capital city and Dehradun while reducing travel time significantly. The train is equipped with facilities that promise a pleasant journey. Commercial services are set to commence on May 29, with the inaugural run taking place on Thursday.
The journey time between Delhi and Dehradun on the Vande Bharat Express is just 4 hours and 45 minutes. The train will make stops at Meerut, Muzaffarnagar, Saharanpur, Roorkee, and Haridwar. Regular services will follow a schedule where the train departs from Dehradun at 7 AM and arrives at Anand Vihar Terminal at 11.45 AM for the onward journey. The return journey will start at 5.50 PM from Anand Vihar Terminal, reaching Dehradun at 10.35 PM.
The fare for the chair car on this route is Rs 535, offering passengers an affordable option. Compared to the Shatabdi Express, the Vande Bharat Express provides a faster and more cost-effective journey. The Dehradun-Delhi Vande Bharat Express is the first of its kind in Uttarakhand and the sixth in Delhi, bringing the total number of Vande Bharat trains in India to 17.
PM Modi had previously inaugurated the Vande Bharat Express between Puri and Howrah via video conferencing on May 18. This ultramodern semi-high-speed train features advanced passenger amenities. Union Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw mentioned that PM Modi aims to extend the Vande Bharat network to almost all states in India by June 2023.