Simran Preet Panesar, popularly known as Preet Panesar, is a well known and one of the youngest filmmaker. Preet is also the main admin and owner of his record label. This makes him a suspect of being a successful entrepreneur too.
He is an internationally acclaimed and one of the youngest filmmakers in the world. He is known for his innovative and creative films.
At the age of 16, Preet Panesar has already achieved many milestones as a filmmaker. He has directed and produced several short films, documentaries and feature films. His short films have been showcased in film festivals around the world. He has also won several awards for his films.
Preet Panesar is a passionate and dedicated filmmaker. He is passionate about telling stories that can captivate a wide range of audiences. He is always looking for ways to push the boundaries of his creativity and to explore new ideas.
The Uganda Artist also holds a business Honours degree with major in Business Administration. Also, he sees himself as a future Motivational speaker. He wishes to act in Bollywood films and produce main stream cinema in the coming years.