Karnataka Congress president, DK Shivakumar, has accused the BJP legal team and Chief Minister’s office of trying to disqualify Congress candidates’ nominations in the state. He has requested the Election Commission of India (ECI) to collect the call register of the Chief Minister. Shivakumar has also denied allegations of taking a 40% commission and accused several BJP leaders, including Shobha Karandlaje and Madal Virupakshappa, of trying to destroy BS Yediyurappa.
Meanwhile, senior Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) leader Ajit Pawar has skipped a convention of his party’s Mumbai unit, fueling speculation about his next political move. However, he clarified that he was unable to attend the convention as it clashed with other programs he had to attend. The meeting in Mumbai was addressed by party chief Sharad Pawar and other senior leaders.
NCP spokesperson Clyde Crasto dismissed rumors of Ajit Pawar quitting the party, stating that he had accepted invitations to several programs in Pune and was unable to attend the convention due to scheduling conflicts. Ajit Pawar had attended an Iftar party earlier in the week with Sharad Pawar.
The Karnataka Assembly elections have been marked by allegations of corruption and attempts to disqualify candidates, adding to the already heated political climate in the state.