Celebrated composer AR Rahman had a “Rockstar moment” after his concert in Pune was stopped by police for overshooting the 10 pm deadline. Despite the interruption, Rahman and his band were overwhelmed by the love and support of the audience, and they continued to perform until the end of the concert. In a tweet posted on Monday night, the double Oscar winner thanked the crowd for such a memorable evening.
The concert, which was held at the Balewadi Stadium, had a capacity of 15,000 people, and tickets had sold out within hours of going on sale. However, after the concert had gone on for a while, the Pune police intervened and stopped the music, citing noise pollution concerns.
The move by the police was met with disappointment by the concertgoers, who had been eagerly anticipating Rahman’s performance. However, Rahman himself was gracious and understanding, saying that he respected the decision of the police and was happy to have performed for as long as he could.
In a video that was posted on social media, Rahman is seen thanking the audience for their support, and promising to return to Pune soon for another concert. “Thank you so much, Pune! You guys are amazing! I’m sorry the concert had to end early, but we had a great time performing for you. We’ll be back soon, I promise!” Rahman said.
Rahman is one of India’s most celebrated composers, having won numerous awards for his music in both the film and non-film industries. He has also worked extensively in Hollywood, having composed music for films such as Slumdog Millionaire and 127 Hours.
Despite his success, Rahman has remained humble and grounded, and has always been grateful for the love and support of his fans. His concert in Pune was a testament to this, as he and his band continued to perform even after the police had stopped the music.
The incident has once again highlighted the issue of noise pollution in India, and the need for greater regulation and enforcement of noise laws. While Rahman’s concert was a joyous and memorable event for many, it also raised concerns about the impact of loud music on the environment and public health.
In the end, however, the overwhelming love and support of the audience prevailed, and Rahman and his band were able to have their “Rockstar moment” on stage. Despite the interruption, the concert will go down as a memorable and historic event in the annals of Indian music.