Ajay Devgn’s latest film, Bholaa, has enjoyed a successful opening weekend at the box office. The action-thriller, starring Tabu alongside Devgn, has reportedly earned Rs 14 crore on its fourth day, bringing its total collection to an impressive Rs 44.7 crore, according to early estimates from Sacnilk. The film earned Rs 11.20 crore on day one, Rs 7.40 crore on day two, and Rs 12.01 crore on day three.
Although the film has performed well during its opening weekend, its true test will come on Monday when the audience returns to their daily routines. If the movie maintains a decent collection of around Rs 10 crore, it will have done well for itself. However, the ongoing Indian Premier League (IPL), which began on Friday, may impact the film’s weekday performance.
Despite the potential obstacles, Bholaa has already achieved the third-highest opening collection at the box office, following the successes of Pathaan (Rs 57 crore) and Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar (Rs 15.73 crore). This is good news for Ajay Devgn’s record as a director, as his previous films such as U Me Aur Hum, Shivaay, and Runway 34 failed to meet box office expectations.
Bholaa is the official Hindi remake of the Tamil hit, directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj and starring Karthi. In addition to Devgn and Tabu, the film features Deepak Dobriyal and Sanjay Mishra in pivotal roles. Overall, Bholaa has had a successful opening weekend and is poised to continue its strong performance at the box office.