Aruna Vijay, a contestant on the popular cooking reality show MasterChef India, recently got evicted a day before the finale task. Despite facing a lot of negativity on social media, Aruna remained positive about her experience on the show, calling it an “amazing one” and a dream come true. Aruna spoke about how her outlook on food had changed and that she had learned a lot from the judges and her fellow contestants.
The home cook also addressed the trolling she received during the show, with many people claiming that she was being favored by the judges. Aruna said that the judges were experienced professionals who knew what they were doing and that she was consistently doing well on the show. She also talked about how her husband and children supported her during the tough times and how she plans to take Tamil Nadu cuisine to the world.
Aruna’s journey on MasterChef India may have come to an end, but she plans to continue her research on food and take it to newer heights. She wants to show the world that South Indian food is much more than just idli, dosa, and rice and that there is so much more to the food from the region. MasterChef India airs on Sony TV and SonyLIV.