Taimur Ali Khan, the young son of Bollywood actors Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan, recently posed for a unique picture that has taken the internet by storm. In the picture, Taimur is seen sitting inside a cardboard box with a look of curiosity on his face, and fans are raving about his adorable looks and “lovely eyes.”
Taimur is one of the most popular celebrity children in India, and the picture of him inside the cardboard box has quickly gone viral on social media. Fans have been commenting on the picture, praising Taimur’s cuteness and calling him the “future of Bollywood.”
Taimur’s aunt, Riddhima Kapoor, also reacted to the picture on social media, calling him “adorable” and expressing her love for him. Riddhima is the daughter of the late Bollywood actor Rishi Kapoor and the sister of Kareena Kapoor.
Taimur has become a popular figure on social media since his birth in 2016, with fans following his every move and posting pictures and videos of him online. Despite his young age, Taimur already has a huge following on social media, and fans eagerly await any new pictures or updates about him.
The picture of Taimur inside the cardboard box has once again proven his popularity and has sparked a new wave of love and adoration from fans. Many have commented on his expressive eyes and cute looks, and the picture has been shared widely on social media platforms.
In conclusion, Taimur Ali Khan continues to captivate the hearts of the Indian public, and the recent picture of him inside a cardboard box has only added to his popularity. Fans can’t get enough of his cute looks and lovely eyes, and the picture has been widely shared and praised on social media. Whether it’s his innocent expressions or his adorable smile, Taimur continues to win over fans and remain one of the most popular celebrities in India.