The daughter of Trinamool Congress (TMC) leader Anubrata Mondal, Sukanya Mondal, has been arrested by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) in a cattle smuggling case related to money laundering. According to news agency PTI, Sukanya was taken into custody after failing to provide satisfactory answers to the ED’s questions on Wednesday. The ED investigation revealed that Sukanya had huge unaccounted properties and bank accounts linked to the alleged cattle smuggling case.
Sukanya Mondal was earlier summoned by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) but she did not appear. The ED sources claimed that she refused to cooperate during several rounds of questioning, which eventually led to her arrest.
In response to the arrest, TMC general secretary Kunal Ghosh, said, “Sukanya Mondal, daughter of Anubrata Mondal, has been arrested. The law will take its course. TMC is not defending her but in this particular case we have a point that her mother died 3 months ago, her father is in jail and she is the only child, is there any real requirement to arrest her?”
It is important to note that Anubrata Mondal, the TMC chief of Birbhum district, was arrested by the CBI in November last year in connection with the same cattle smuggling case. He was in judicial custody after being arrested for questioning.
The arrest of Sukanya Mondal in this case once again highlights the issue of cattle smuggling, which has been a major concern in many parts of India. The authorities are taking strict measures to curb the illegal trade and arrest those involved, regardless of their position or background.