Warner Bros. India has announced that the highly anticipated DC movie “The Flash” will release in Indian theaters on June 15, one day before its release in the US. The film, directed by Andy Muschietti, features Ezra Miller reprising his role as Barry Allen, aka The Flash.
The studio made the announcement via their official Twitter page, generating a lot of excitement and anticipation among Indian fans of the DC universe. The release date news comes after a long wait, as the film has faced multiple delays due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The upcoming movie is set to be a major event in the DC Extended Universe, with the introduction of several iconic characters, including Michael Keaton’s Batman and Sasha Calle’s Supergirl. The film will also explore the concept of the multiverse, which has been a major part of DC Comics for several decades.
“The Flash” follows the story of Barry Allen, a forensic scientist who gains the ability to move at superhuman speeds after a freak accident. As he learns to control his powers and becomes The Flash, he must navigate the complexities of time travel and the multiverse to save his mother from her tragic fate.
The film’s director, Andy Muschietti, is best known for his work on horror films such as “Mama” and the “It” series. His unique visual style and storytelling abilities have fans excited about what he will bring to the world of superhero movies.
Ezra Miller’s portrayal of Barry Allen/The Flash was first introduced in 2016’s “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” and was later seen in “Justice League.” The actor’s quirky and humorous take on the character has won over fans and helped establish him as a fan-favorite.
The decision to release “The Flash” in India ahead of its US premiere is a significant move by Warner Bros., as it highlights the importance of the Indian market to the film industry. India is one of the largest movie-going markets in the world, with a massive fanbase for both Hollywood and Bollywood films.
The announcement has generated a lot of buzz on social media, with fans expressing their excitement about seeing the film before its US release. The move also raises questions about whether other major Hollywood films will follow suit and release in India before their US premieres.