Apple CEO Tim Cook has been making headlines during his visit to India this week. After launching two new Apple stores in Mumbai and Delhi, Cook was spotted at a recent Tata IPL match between Delhi Capitals and Kolkata Knight Riders at the Arun Jaitley Stadium in Delhi. Accompanying him were Bollywood actress Sonam Kapoor and her husband, Anand Ahuja.
Sonam shared pictures of the trio on Instagram, expressing her gratitude for Cook and the Apple team’s attention to detail in creating a world-class experience in India. She also praised Anand’s support for creative talent and innovation, as well as sharing a picture of them meeting Cook in Mumbai after the launch of the first Apple store.
Cook seemed to be enjoying his time in India, tweeting his thanks to Madhuri Dixit for introducing him to his first-ever vada pav, a popular Mumbai street food. The tech giant’s CEO has been making a concerted effort to expand Apple’s presence in India, with the new stores being just one part of that plan.
Cook’s appearance at the IPL match with Sonam and Anand added to the excitement around his visit, as they were seen posing for selfies and chatting away while watching the game. Sonam looked stunning in a yellow linen saree with vintage jewelry, while Cook and Anand kept things casual to beat the Delhi heat.
It’s clear that Cook is eager to establish Apple as a major player in the Indian market, and his visit has certainly generated plenty of buzzes. With the launch of the new stores and Cook’s high-profile meetings with Bollywood stars, it seems like Apple is making some big moves in India.