Google has marked India’s 74th Republic Day with a special doodle, created by Ahmedabad-based artist Shreya Arora. The doodle, which was featured on the Google India homepage, depicts a traditional Indian parade, with a group of people carrying the national flag and a group of musicians playing patriotic songs. The doodle also features a depiction of the Indian Constitution and the national emblem, which symbolize the importance of the day.
The Republic Day is celebrated on January 26th every year to commemorate the adoption of the Indian Constitution, which came into effect on this day in 1950. The Constitution, which was adopted by the Constituent Assembly of India on November 26, 1949, lays down the fundamental principles of governance and the rights and duties of citizens.
The Google doodle, created by Ahmedabad-based artist Shreya Arora, is a tribute to the spirit of the Republic Day and the Constitution. The doodle also depicts the diversity and unity of India, with people from different backgrounds and cultures coming together to celebrate the day.
Shreya Arora, the artist behind the doodle, is a freelance illustrator and graphic designer based in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. She has been creating art for over a decade and her work is known for its vibrant colors and playful characters. She has created art for several brands and organizations, and has also illustrated children’s books.
Speaking about the doodle, Arora said, “I am honored to have had the opportunity to create the Google Doodle for India’s 74th Republic Day. The theme of the doodle is ‘Unity in Diversity’, which reflects the spirit of the Constitution and the nation. I have tried to depict the diversity of India through the different characters in the doodle and the national flag, which brings everyone together in unity.”
The Google doodle is a fitting tribute to the 74th Republic Day and the Constitution, and serves as a reminder of the importance of the day and the principles laid down in the Constitution. It also serves as a celebration of the diversity and unity of India and the contributions of the artist community.