How may Calories will for 6000 steps walking
If you walk about 6,000 to 7,000 steps, it is about 3 miles. You will burn 250-300 calories. Think of it as every mile walking burns about 100 calories. If you walk three days a week, that’s 900 calories; for the month, that’s 3,600.
An hour in the gym (400 to 500 calories) plus 6,000 steps of being active throughout the day (300 calories) plus following the Pritikin Eating Plan (500-calorie deficit) nets you about a three-pound every week. That’s potentially a loss of 50 pounds in just four months.
People who walked 6,000 steps a day on average were less likely to have problems standing, walking, and climbing stairs two years later, the researchers found. Every 1,000 steps added to a person’s day reduced their risk of mobility loss by 16 to 18 percent. The study was published Thursday in the journal Arthritis Care & Research.

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That translates to about an hour of walking daily, which can still be daunting if you interpret “walk” as “going to the mailbox once a day.” But that includes every single step taken in the day, including walking from the kitchen to the bathroom. (In my house that’s 30 steps round trip.) You might have to add a bit more walking to your day, White told Shots, but it shouldn’t be hard.
The benefits of walking are widely known and continually proven. Adding to the vast body of literature touting the benefits of walking, a recent study found that walking 6,000 steps a day—the equivalent of 1 hour— may help improve knee arthritis and prevent disability.

This study was observational; it didn’t have a control group. But White notes that given the skimpy state of federal funding (this work was funded by the National Institutes of Health), it’s probably the best we’ll get for a while. Of course, walking also delivers lots of other benefits, including reducing the risk of heart disease, cancer, and depression.