Walking 6,000 Steps Daily May Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease, New Study Says. For many, walking has become a favorable activity thanks to its many proven health benefits. Studies have shown that the form of exercise may slow down aging, improve brain function, and reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease.

Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs)
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) affect your heart and blood vessels. Almost half of all adults in the U.S. have at least one form of heart disease. You may make lifestyle changes to manage cardiovascular disease or your healthcare provider may prescribe medications. The sooner you detect cardiovascular disease, the easier it is to treat.
There are four main types of CVD:
coronary heart disease.
peripheral arterial disease.
aortic disease.
Steps to be taken care
Every 1,000 steps added, there was an incremental reduction in CVD risk.

A recent study finds that walking between 6,000 and 9,000 steps daily is linked to a dramatically lower risk of cardiovascular disease for older adults. Each additional 1,000 steps taken daily Will especially for people who currently walk less than 3,000 steps a day, Will marks a substantial reduction in cardiovascular risk.
Adding to the vast body of literature touting the benefits of walking, a recent study found that the walking 6,000 steps a day—the equivalent of 1 hour— may help improve knee arthritis and prevent disability.
By analyzing data on tens of thousands of people across four continents compiled between 15 existing studies, a team of researchers has now landed on a the more comfortable figure
“For younger adults, being physically active benefits many of the precursors of cardiovascular diseases, such as high blood pressure, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. These conditions are more likely to develop in younger adults, and are important for early prevention of cardiovascular disease.